I Help Guys Like You

Find Your Plus One!

Never spend the holidays alone again!

Here's a guide to help you find your dream girl:

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Hi, I'm Noelle!

I'll be your guide to navigating through the roadmap of Finding Your Plus One. 


At a party, after making the rounds, I usually end up being the person off to the side deep in conversation, usually with someone I’ve just met (ha, ha!), as they tell me their relationship history. They trust me with their intimate details, their mistakes, regrets and woes. My advice is always accepted with appreciation and thoughtful take aways. The conversation usually ends with them saying, “I don’t know why I just told you all of that. You’re so easy to talk to. Thanks!” 


I've helped many guys over the years and I'm ready to help you Find Your Plus One! 

Collect the Tools You’ll Need on Your Journey to Find Your Plus One

Follow the path to figure out what you are looking for in your dream girl.  Find her.  Maintain and nourish the relationship.  Plan a future with that that girl who is your forever Plus One.

Access to Noelle

I’m here to answer questions you have about talking to ladies, engaging with them and progressing your relationship.

Guy Talk

Join a community of like-minded guys that will be there throughout your journey. Ask questions, celebrate successes, receive encouragement and offer advice.

Real Answers

No beating around the bush, so please only ask questions you want the answers too. I give straight to the point advice to get your situation/relationship figured out.

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